Thursday, March 13, 2008


Update in green

Aku baca malaysiakini, bernama, reuters, cnn, bloomberg.

Yg aku faham apa yg Anwar katakan... We need to this, we need to do that... okay, so adakah ini bermaksud 'we' itu adalah hanya Selangor (yg di MBkan oleh Keadilan) atau 'we' itu bermaksud utk semua iaitu Keadilan, Pas, dan DAP.

Adakah kata-katanya dipersetujui oleh Pas dan DAP?

Dan soalan majmuk...
Katakanlah, pada 2012 pembangkang menang kerusi parlimen. Dengan Pas menguasai Parlimen. Adakah Anwar dibenarkan menjadi PM mengikut ideologinya? Atau Lim Kit Siang menjadi PM mengikut ideologinya? Atau Pas akan mengislamkan Malaysia?

Baru je beberapa hari menang, dah macam ni... Kaduk naik junjung, biasalah...

Perak MB's swearing-in put off
(Ini berita malaysiakini tau. Bukan aku cedok kat akhbar BN yg tak bermaruah...)

IPOH: The Regent of Perak Raja Nazrin Shah, dismayed at the squabbling over the formation of the DAP-PKR-Pas coalition state government, has postponed the swearing-in of Pas’ Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin as Perak Mentri Besar until the three parties get their act together. - NST

In a meeting with Nizar and the other two MB nominees, Ngeh Koo Ham of the DAP and PKR’s Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi at Istana Kinta in Ipoh,
Raja Nazrin instructed them to collect the signatures of all 31 assemblymen under the coalition to state that they:

--- agree to work together and cooperate under the coalition government; and,

--- also agree to Nizar as the collective choice as Mentri Besar.

Think about it... Dear Malay-sian...

To LKS, remember this... You and your gangs already broke at least one rukun negara. Hmmm... God bless Perak..

Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
Kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara
Keluhuran Perlembagaan
Kedaulatan Undang-undang
Kesopanan dan kesusilaan

Now.. Keadilan pulak... PKR threatens to pull out of Perak state admin - malaysiakini


Anonymous said...

agenda 'mereka' semakin menyerlah..

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