Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ex - Part 1

When I say Ex... Most of us think about Ex-Girlfriend(s) or Ex-Wive(s). Actually there's a few different meanings about Ex. How about we look around and find if there are any other meanings. Google find about 510,000,000 for Ex. How about Wiki?


Ex can refer to various things.
* ex (editor), short for Extended, is a line editor developed for the UNIX operating system.
* In English, Ex is a common spelling of the English name of the letter X.
* In typesetting, one ex is the height of the lowercase letter 'x' in a given font; see x-height.
* In Latin, ex means "out of".
* In social relationships, an ex (relationship) is someone with whom a person was once associated, often romantically.
* As a prefix, ex- generally denotes the former state of something.
* In the context of current French politics, the Ex is Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, a former president.
* The Ex is a Dutch punk band.

Actually I've a few things to write here. About Ex(s). Not now. I’ll update later in this week. For me, EX is more about FORMER, PAST or HISTORY. The Ex that I understand, I learned, I saw, I......... or blablabla. So come back tomorrow incase your bosses don't put anything on your table. Stay tune... and stay away from your boss!


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