Thursday, June 22, 2006

The media samurai who shields his lord - (by Bandit)

UPDATE 24/06/06 - 5.45pm

Waaa... Rocky's dah berkembang. Bukan saja cerita Pasal NST malah dah cerita pasal lain... Hmm.. Nak tahu? gi sini... ROCKY's BRU

Oh, on Friday, aku notice satu mende yang sgt berbeza dalam paper. Aku tetiap hari baca NST, The Star, Utusan, Kosmo... Apa saja yg ada kat opis ni. But semalam aku try cari cerita pasal Perdana Global Peace Forum. Pasal cete tipu 9/11 ... Cerita pasal kemungkinan World War 4... Kemungkinan US serang Iran... Utusan cerita sampai hampir 1 page besar pasal Perdana Global Peace. Lengkap la. Kira tiada bezanya. Sama lebih kurang dengan The Star. But... di NST ceritanya seciput... kecik. Sebelah kiri. Ada la satu baris. Dan ceritanya... Macam karangan. Serious... Dah tu, cerita tu macam nak melarikan daripada memberitahu yg Perdana Global Peace tu usaha Tun n kengkawan yg buat. Isk la NST, patut la ramai dah tak beli paper kau...

Ps- Sape perasan, Malay Mail yg muka baru nih semakin mengarut ceritanya. Dulu, kita akan selalu baca mengenai masalah PBT, masalah jenayah, rumah, ekonomi la ape la... Macam Kosmo... Tapi la nih, Malay Mail makin muda. Cete Amy dpt 2 juta pun antara cerita utama. Then lebih byk cerita hiburan, cerita mawi, Siti n dato K... etc etc... Mereka kononnya nak tarik golongan muda... Deiii thambi... Org muda sekarang jarang baca paper... Kalau baca pun sbb opis beli. Patut la NST makin tenat. Saham semakin jatuh. Kali, kali....


Update 23/06/2006

Extracted from a forum... Related to Media Prima/NST/TV3/Kali & Brendan. More info

Media Prima adalah syarikat tunjang yang memegang TV3, NST, Berita Harian, Metro, CH8, Ch9 etc... Sahamnya dibeli dengan banyak oleh syarikat pelabur dari luar negara. Bukan dalam kuantiti 10-20 lot. Tapi lebih 20%. Masalahnya, apakah tujuan mereka membeli saham tersebut. Adakah orang Msia yang membeli saham tersebut, tapi kenapa seorang yang mempunyai kerakyatan Msia tidak membeli secara terus? Kenapa perlu syarikat luar? Dan jika orang luar yang membelinya melalui pengurus dana, siapakah mereka/dia. US? Singapore? Israel? Dan apa tujuan mereka untuk menguasai media di Msia. Mungkinkah ia melibatkan golongan yang bertentangan dengan Msia? Mungkin PM boleh bagi jawapan. Mungkin....

He maybe answer like this... I don't know, Im not involved...
So here's the info. Something you should know incase oneday our prime media change completely...

Media Prima kalau rakan2 KMU tahu adalah syarikat holding untuk TV3 dan punya saham juga dalam NST. Kita tahu dahulu ia pernah di kuasai oleh kumpulan yang majoriti mirip pada Anwar brahim (fellow criminal to War Criminal Paul Wolfowitz) yang kemudian di kumpul bawah MRCB. Mereka dulu menguasai Malakoff yang ada IPP. Pandai ANwar hantam Tun pasal IPP, padahal group dia dapat juga.

Pendek cerita, lepas krisis kewangan dan politik 97/98, MRCB bertukar rupa dan TV3 dan NST letak bawah Media Prima. Semua TV percuma private di bawah TV3 sekarang, satu kuasa media TV yang kuat.

Pada update april 29hb, 2005, pemegang saham utama Media Prima adalah berikut:

Gabungan Kesturi Sdn Bhd - 85,036,990 saham - 15.7% (mungkin UMNO)
EPF - 68,784,811 saham - 12.7%
MRCB - 21,000,000 3.88%

Secara tak sedar, pada 8/9/2005, seorang pemegang saham baru membeli 29,595,000 saham. Inibermakna mereka melebihi MRCB. Saya selidik dan dapati saham itu dibeli oleh satu Fund Manager dari Chicago bernama Harris Associates L.P. Blok sebesar ini selalunya bukan beli dipasaran tetapi blok purchase.

Sejak itu, Harris Associates L.P. Chicago sentiasa ada membeli saham Media Prima. pegangan terbaru sudah mencapai 65,972,800 saham melebihi sedikit 21%

Misterinya adalah:

1. Fund manager kadang2 mengurus non discretionary fund. Siapa yang empunya dana yang diuruskan Harris Associate. Pasal kalau nominee di malaysia, kena cakap siapa yang beli. Walaupun mereka pengurus, mungkin pengurus dana hanya ambil instruction dan berperanan sebagai nominee.

2. Mengapa mereka perlu beli sebanyak saham dalam Media Prima memandangkan mereka bukan syarikat media yang dinamik. Business funfair. NTV7 over price purchase. EGM melenting shareholders. Banyak saham media yang lebih baik yang boleh di beli dalam dunia, kenapa beli begitu banyak saham Media Prima

3. Adakah kumpulan pelabur dari Amerika ini akan tuntut peranan pengurusan dan menyusupkan orang2 mereka di dalam TV3? Ini mungkinberlaku pasal Datok Farid ni seorang ketua corporate yg bangang. Orang advertisement, what can you aspect kebolehan perancangan corporatenya. Mesti akan desperate selepas bail out NTV7.

4. Mengapa pelabur dari Chicago? Bukan pelabur yang beribu pejabat di Boston (Pusat Insuran dan Fund Manager America) atau New York (Pusat Kewangan)? Saya tanya ini pasal baru difahamkan bahaw penasihat2 Bush yang War Criminal belajar di University Chicago dan berguru di bawah ideologis "dajjal" War Criminal bernama Carl Schwartz. Salah seorang anak muridnya adalah seorang bernama Paul Wolfowitz (bzz-Yup, dia pernah mengaku Anwar Ibrahim kawannya). Mereka ini berpaksi pada Likud Party, Israel.
Apa kemungkinan pertalian ini?

Namun pengaruh asing sudah di buka lagi pintu masuk dalam media kita.
Assalamualaikum dari aku...

On a more serious note, block purchase, kebiasaannya tidak boleh dibeli di pasaran terbuka...Ya...kalau ada pembeli, mesti ada penjual...

Siapa penjualnya???
Boleh check diBursa Malaysia, tiada masalah. Ini bukan maklumat sulit. Amat mudah didapati jika berusaha sedikit. Ini yang diekstrak dari transaksi tersebut:

Notice of Interest of Substantial Shareholder Pursuant to Form 29A of the Companies Act. 1965
Reference No MP-050916-4224C

Submitting Merchant Bank : -
Stock Name : MEDIA
Date Announced : 16/09/2005

Particulars of Substantial Securities Holder
Name : Harris Associates L.P.
Address : 2 N. LaSalle St.
Suite 500
Chicago, IL 60602

NRIC/Passport No/Company No. : 2514728
Nationality/Country of incorporation : United States
Descriptions(Class & nominal value) : Ordinary Shares of RM1.00 each
Name & address of registered holder

Harris Associates L.P.
2 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 500
Chicago, IL 60602 United States

Date interest acquired & no of securities acquired
Date interest acquired : 08/09/2005
No of securities : 29,595,000
Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest : Purchase of shares Nature of interest : Direct
Harris Associates L.P ini akan menguruskan pelaburan klien mereka dgn menggunakan 'kepakaran' yg dimiliki dan 'strategi' syarikat mereka.

Update 22/06/06

Aku dah taip something but atas sebab tertentu aku rasa better aku letakkan tulisan org lain supaya korang boleh baca apa yg penulis ni katakan. The same article originally taken from I will highlight a few things that might be interesting... So read it.... Tq

More news about current issue especially about NST... Go here... Rocky's Bru (read Butchers in newsroom)

The media samurai who shields his lord
by Bandit

WHENEVER he speaks without a prepared text, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi tends to saunter, traipse and trip (oh, all right, ramble). (bzz - Then I don't know, I'm not involved, Enough.. etc etc...)

When he is under a bit of pressure from questions peppered by an enthusiastic but hostile Press during a media conference, he has the habit of breaking into curt little malapropisms (Thankfully not in the same league of Dubya’s (bzz- Go google, and find who's Dubya) asinine howlers). Clearly, Abdullah is a lightweight as opposed to Dr M’s super heavyweight ranking when it comes to engaging the Press.

With Dr M, the rules of engagement are “anything goes” (Dr M even tolerated the rude and aggressive questioning by CNN’s Zain Verjee some years back) but with Abdullah, the rules are…I don’t know what the rules are since I don’t know if he has done anything of the sort.

Anywhere Dr M goes in the world, a highlight of his tour that everyone looks forward to would be the Q&A session with just about anyone – diplomats, politicians, businessmen, journalists, traders – and Dr M would regal them with his thought-provoking insights. The Japanese embrace Dr M as almost one of their own.

With Abdullah, a Q&A would be, not to out a fine point to it, an embarrassment. And I state this with profound regret.

If off-the-record (bzz-OTR) sessions with Abdullah was a regular habit in the days when he was a Cabinet Minister (I had one with him back in the 1980s, then he was thoughtful and sentimental), the same session now will be as good as letting Dr Mahathir Mohamad become a columnist for the New Straits Times. That would be the day!

I state this with revulsion but I will state it: Abdullah has little intellectual capacity to respond, man-to-man, to Dr M in this ongoing battle. This is not a new revelation; other political pundits have depicted them more strongly.

But it does not help that Abdullah allows himself to be multiple-coatedly insulated from all the vexing trouble and problems beleaguering the political and business communities.

For a man politically savvy enough to claw his way to the Premiership, Abdullah’s grasp of complex Government management, business acumen, 21st century technical knowledge and futurism is at the level of a village imam, with due respect to all imams.

Abdullah is simply uninterested in technological wonders and innovations, unlike his predecessor who buries himself in all the technical details. (bzz - Abdullah more interest in Biotech especially in relate to Plantation. But, do you know that Biotech is huge? And that include to human, plantation, cell, animal, food etc etc? I wonder why AAB more interest to launch that Kambing thingy at Selangor last week sessions more than resolve matters about FTA that might would kill us all one day?)

So with all the insulation, protection and shielding provided to him whether he wants it or not, Abdullah is, pitifully, the Malaysian version of the foolish monarch in “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. What’s more pitiful is that I did not make this up and neither is this an original theme. (bzz-Remember there's a story about how a tailor fool his king saying that his design is 'dead beautiful' though that king wear nothing. I hope AAB will not become that King, oneday)

So, independent media operators (bloggers like you bro included) can forget about having an OTR session with Abdullah. The only one media operator who can have all the OTR sessions with Abdullah is Kalimullah Hassan and he doesn’t really need an official appointment. (bzz - Kalimullah Hassan known as KJ backup weapon + Brendan Pereira. Read Rocky's Bru's blog)

As Chief Media Sycophant, Kali will shield Abdullah like a dogged samurai in the service of his lord. (bzz-Kali n Brendan now hold high rank at NST) That’s understandable because the two go back a long way to the time when Abdullah was struggling in the political wilderness stemming from the fallout of his involvement in Umno Team B’s failed 1987 powerplay to overthrow Dr M and Team A.

I don’t know what Kali saw in Abdullah in those years but he somehow put his faith in the politician like a drooling limpet.

And it paid big time because Abdullah, ever grateful even to opportunists who stood by him in hard times, reciprocated Kali’s fealty by gifting him the volcanic media seat in the country. And also the handle to many key Government and Umno projects and policies.

Giving Kali the NST hot seat is like giving an Abrams tank to an anti-US Iraqi militia – he will fire it destructively and use it as a shield to insulate Abdullah from public exposure of the Prime Minister’s flat competence. (bzz-That's why when you read NST or anything related to NST, you'll find everything's good about AAB. Though more and more people condemed current Gov policies!)

For someone with the “enforcement” power, Kali plays the “What? Me?” innocence at why Dr M fingers him as the media samurai with the tentacles to influence his friendly rivals to prolong the Dr M’s demonisation.

But then, Kali is happiest when he can dish out the dirt and the criticisms but is execrable at taking them: he cracks under severe attack and instead of civilised countering, he simply lashes back, vulgarly if he needs be.

Now can you understand the depths of how low Kali can descend to in his counter-attacks, living up to his malevolent edicts “I’ll fix you” or “I’ll sack you.”

Just ask those journalists who worked with or under Kali since his days in The Star and they’ll tell you that those two sets of three-letter words are his mantra then as it is now as the Malaysian media

Rottweiler...oops, samurai. (i think this one goes to Kali right?)


Anonymous said...

mcm nick aku je tu.

bzz said...

lain... ni samurai takde kene mengena ngan kau. Dia ni tak layak pun nak dipanggil samurai.

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